Wednesday, January 9, 2019


ALL CLASSES (Periods 4,6, and 8) should be working on book projects for the blizzard bag assignment. Projects are due Friday 1/11 at the end of class!

As always, if you have any questions please email me at

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

11/20 Blizzard Bag Day for a Green day!

Blizzard bag assignments are posted on google classroom. They may be turned in there or in class on Monday 11/26.

Period 1: Please choose ONE of the following options to complete for your assignment today:

A. Read for 20 minutes and complete a journal entry about what you read (1 paragraph summary and 1 paragraph reflection/response)

B.  Read the attached article and complete a 4/3/2/1 response.

C. Do something "vocaby" to show me that you have studied your unit 2 vocabulary (linked on google classroom, you just have to scroll down a bit).

Please feel free to email me with any questions about this assignment.

Period 3: Please choose ONE of the following options to complete for your assignment today:

A. Read for 20 minutes and complete a journal entry about what you read (1 paragraph summary and 1 paragraph reflection/response)

B. Read the attached article and complete a 4/3/2/1 response.

C. Conduct some research for your genius hour project. Be sure to add any sources to your annotated bibliography.

Please feel free to email me with any questions about this assignment.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


For information about Mrs. Fontaine's homework or what is happening in class, select your class from the list to the right.

All homework is also posted in google classroom.

If you have questions, be sure to email